
Kimble Vowless


In December 2019 I left my corporate career determined to craft a life that held more meaning for me.

Despite my expectations that the proverbial sky would fall on my head and leave me and my family living destitute in a cardboard box somewhere, I’ve managed to keep a roof over our head, food on the table, and at the same time begin to pursue a life that is more rewarding and slower paced.

I’m no expert, I don’t have a PhD in anything, and I’m not an international best selling author. I’m just someone interested in leading a more authentic, purposeful life. For me this includes sharing what I learn along the way. Part of this is selfish - it helps me order my thoughts and capture my learning. Part of it is in the hope that perhaps by doing so I may help you think about what a meaningful life looks like and feels like for you.

One thing I’ve learned is that there is no formula. The other thing I’ve learned is that the more of us sharing our thinking and experience the better.